Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chapter 25 New Global Patterns: 1800-1914

Chapter 25

New Global Patterns: 1800–1914

Section 1 Japan Modernizes

Terms, People, and Places

Matthew Perry


Meiji Restoration



homogeneous society

First Sino-Japanese War

Russo-Japanese War

Note Taking

Checkpoint (s)

By the mid-1800s, why did so many groups of people in Japan feel discontented?

How did Japan react when it was forced to accept unequal treaties?

What changes did the reforms of the Meiji Restoration bring about in Japan?

Comparing Viewpoints

Colonization in Korea

The excerpts below present two different views of the effect of Japan’s control of Korea in the early 1900s.

Critical Thinking How do the two views on the results of colonization in Korea differ?

Positive Effects

Mining, fishery, and manufacturing have advanced. The bald mountains have been covered with young trees. Trade has increased by leaps and bounds. . . . Study what we are doing in Korea. . . . Japan is a steward on whom devolves [falls] the gigantic task of uplifting the Far East.

—Japanese academic Nitobe Inazo

Negative Effects

The result of annexation, brought about without any conference with the Korean people, is that the Japanese . . . by a false set of figures show a profit and loss account between us two peoples most untrue, digging a trench of everlasting resentment deeper and deeper. . . .

—From the Declaration of Korean Independence, 1919


How did industrialization help start Japan on an imperialist course?


2. Use your completed chart to answer the section Focus Question: How did Japan become a modern industrial power, and what did it do with its new strength? Hint

Comprehension and Critical Thinking

Identify Central Issues

3. What problems weakened shogun rule in Japan in the mid-1800s?

Recognize Causes

4. What caused Japan to end over 200 years of seclusion?

Draw Conclusions

5. List three ways in which Japan modernized. Explain how each of these actions helped strengthen Japan so it could resist Western pressure.

Connect to Geography

6. Why was control of Korea desirable to both China and Japan?


"Writing About History"

Section 2 Imperialism in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

Terms, People, and Places

French Indochina


Spanish-American War


Note Taking

Checkpoint (s)

How did the Burmese and the Vietnamese respond to attempts to colonize them?

How did the United States gain control of the Philippines?

Why did some Americans think the United States should control Hawaii?

Map Skills

Spices first attracted Europeans to Southeast Asia. Later, the Industrial Revolution encouraged the search for raw materials and new markets.

1. Locate

(a) the Dutch East Indies (b) French Indochina (c) Siam (d) the Philippines

2. Regions

Which Europeans claimed territory on the mainland?

3. Draw Inferences

According to the map, which Europeans controlled the widest variety of resources?


Reading Strategy: Identify Causes and Effects

2. Use your completed chart to answer the Focus Question: How did industrialized powers divide up Southeast Asia, and how did the colonized peoples react?

Comprehension and Critical Thinking


3. What steps did Siam take to preserve its independence?

Draw Conclusions

4. Why were Filipino rebels disappointed when the United States took control of the Philippines?

Synthesize Information

5. How did Hawaii become part of the United States?

Make Comparisons

6. Compare the partition of Southeast Asia to the partition of Africa. How was it similar? How was it different?


"Writing About History"

Section 3 Self-Rule for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

Terms, People, and Places





penal colony


Note Taking

Checkpoint (s)

How did the British respond to the Canadians’ desire for self-rule?

What effect did colonization have on Australia’s indigenous population?

Compare and contrast the European settlement of Australia and New Zealand.

Map Skills

Canada grew throughout the latter half of the 1800s.

1. Locate:

(a) Quebec (b) Ontario (c) British Columbia (d) Saskatchewan

2. Movement

Why did British Columbia become a part of Canada before Alberta and Saskatchewan?

3. Make Comparisons

Compare Nova Scotia’s natural resources to those of Manitoba.

Map Skills

British settlement in Australia started with penal settlements on both coasts and slowly spread into the interior of the continent.

1. Locate

(a) Simpson Desert (b) Great Sandy Desert (c) Sydney (d) Perth.

2. Regions

What physical features probably slowed British settlement of Australia’s interior?

3. Draw Inferences

What types of economic activity do you think took place in the area of Australia that was settled by Europeans between 1831 and 1875?


Reading Skill: Identify Causes and Effects

2. Use your completed chart to answer the Focus Question: How were the British colonies of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand settled and how did they win self-rule?

Comprehension and Critical Thinking


3. What steps led to Canadian self-rule?


4. Compare the European settlement of Australia with that of Canada.

Identify Causes

5. Why did the Maori fight colonists in New Zealand?

Synthesize Information

6. What ethnic tensions did Australia, Canada, and New Zealand face?


"Writing About History"

Section 4 Economic Imperialism in Latin America

Terms, People, and Places



Benito Juárez

La Reforma


Monroe Doctrine

Panama Canal

Note Taking

Checkpoint (s)

What factors undermined democracy in post-independence Latin America?

What struggles did Mexico go through as it tried to find stability in the 1800s?

How did foreign influence and investment affect Latin America?

How did the United States act as an imperialist power in Latin America?


Imperialism in Latin America, 1898–1917

Map Skills

In the early 1900s, European powers held possessions in Latin America. The United States often intervened to protect business interests there.

1. Locate

(a) Cuba (b) Canal Zone (c) British Guiana (d) Honduras

2. Location

Why did the United States have a particularly strong interest in Latin American affairs?

3. Identify Point of View

What natural resources drew the Dutch to Dutch Guiana?


Reading Skill: Recognize Multiple Causes

2. Use your completed charts to answer the Focus Question: How did Latin American nations struggle for stability, and how did industrialized nations affect them?

Critical Thinking and Comprehension

Express Problems Clearly

3. What problems faced new nations in Latin America?

Recognize Cause and Effect

4. How did the cycle of economic dependence continue after independence?

Synthesize Information

5. Describe two ways the United States influenced Latin America.

Draw Conclusions

6. Why might developing nations encourage foreign investment? Do you think foreign investors should have the right to intervene in another nation’s affairs to protect their investments? Explain.


"Writing About History"